Ian McClatchey

About Me

Hello, my name is Ian McClatchey,

I am an award-winning graphic designer & digital marketer, specialising in web development and search engine optimisation.

I have always had an interest in design, even before getting more professional design software I would often design logos and typefaces in Microsoft PowerPoint. At college I did a module on graphic design and enjoyed it immensely; it was my first experience using Photoshop and I picked it up quickly as I was constantly experimenting. After college I went on to study graphic design at De Montfort University in Leicester…

…After working as a graphic designer both freelance and professionally, one hurdle that I frequently came across was how to utilise and market effectively with the assets I made, because of this I was often needing help from others in areas such as web development, copywriting, and SEO.


I felt that it would be beneficial to do a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship to gain experience and knowledge in these areas. With this I can build a stronger contextual understanding of how my work will be used and adapt them accordingly. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the Apprenticeship and decided to continue along this path acquiring a more rounded skill set…

…I am currently working for a digital marketing company in the UK. I work with a small team building and maintaining websites, designing marketing assets, and creating digital marketing campaigns for a wide range of clients.

Outside of design, I love cooking, particularly pizzas, curries, and Caribbean food. I enjoy playing football; in which I support Manchester City. I’ve been to see them a few times, and would like to see them play more often, although it can be quite difficult as it is a long way for me to travel. I also enjoy reading, especially classic literature, and anything by Kurt Vonnegut.





